Tuesday, August 19, 2014

No Health Risk From Cell Phone Radiation

Radiations emitted by mobile phones and towers do not cause any health hazard, experts said here Thursday.
Myths without any reasonable scientific basis have been floated by people with vested business interests that electromagnetic field emissions (EMF) cause health hazard, they said.
Rigorous and independent scientific studies across the globe have been carried out to dispel the fear of health hazard from mobile tower antenna and phones.
Experts were speaking at a panel discussion on "Mobile network and public health" organised by the COAI, a leading mobile communications association.
They stressed that people, who believe that radiations are really harmful, are not fully aware and should understand this perception clearly.
"Ionising radiation causes damages to the molecules - they break the chemical bonds and can cause health hazards. But non-ionising radiation from mobile tower and antenna do not cause the breakage of bonds and do not cause damage to the molecules," said R.V. Hosur, senior professor, Chemical Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
"A number research and studies have been conducted around the globe to ascertain if there is any relationship between the radiation emission from the mobile phone and cancer. However there is no enough evidence providing mobile phones causes cancer in humans," he added.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), over six billion people use mobile phones to communicate with one another.
"The radiation waves used in the mobile phones technology are probably at the lowest end of the electromagnetic spectrum and do not cause any health hazard," said Rakesh Jalali, Radiation Oncologist at Tata Medical Centre.

Friday, June 13, 2014


            Yoga is ideally suited for types of Diabetes Mellitus. For some patients, in insulin dependent DM, asanas could help prevent an increase in insulin requirement over the years. In non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), asanas help normalize blood
sugar due to high intensity yogic workout (not for all patients). Yogic exercises can either be high or low intensity, depending on the clinical condition.
            A young active diabetic can be made to practice very intense asanas in a dynamic manner, which will increase the cellular activity of the muscle, which needs more sugar. The advanced asanas require a lot of energy and this helps normalize blood sugar. But, if the person is obese, asana practice is difficult and it is easier to reduce weight by other means and then take up yoga.  Yoga increases the practitioner’s sensitivity to body movements and cellular changes. There is no pounding, flogging or forcible action in asana practice. The action on the cells is gentle and soothing and relieves the modified pathology by better blood perfusion, thus healing the area. Depending on the need the asanas can be modified. In yoga, it is possible to create a selective uptake of sugar depending on the group of muscles worked. Other exercises increase the general sugar uptake by the cells. Yoga selects the cells to absorb sugar. This is due to a wide variety of geometric shapes of the asanas. The intensity of workout is total or regional.

            The single advantage of the asana system is that the geometric shape of the asana itself directly affects the internal organs; in other exercises the results are indirect. Hpoglycemia with yoga practice is not so much as in other exercises because of the conscious control over the cellular systems. The advantage in the asana system is that even an elderly diabetic can practice it without any danger. Other systems might aggravate autonomic neuropathy and sudden death is possible. The emphasis in yoga is on controlling the autonomic dysfunction by means of pranayama.



1. Paschimotasana:

This asana is also known as sitting forward bend.
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Bend forward and bring your forehead to your knees.
Touch your toes with both your hands.
Stay in this position for a few breaths and then as you return back inhale.
Repeat for another 2-3 times.

2. Padangusthasana (Big Toe pose):

Stand straight with your feet atleast 6 inches apart. Your knees should not bend.
Keeping your spine straight, bend forward to grip your toes with your fingers. Your forehead should be close to your knees.
Rise up with a deep inhale and put both your hands over your head keeping elbows straight.
Lengthen yourself in this pose stretching your muscles.
Exhale and bend forward to touch your toes.
Again go up while inhaling. Repeat this process of inhalation and exhalation for 5-10 times.  
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose):
Lie flat on your stomach with your feet together and toes pointing out.
Place both your hands by the side of your shoulders and palms facing the ground.
Now pressing both your palms lift up your torso off the floor.
Stretch your arms as much as possible and extend your torso.
Look upwards. Hold this position for a few breaths.
Exhale and return back to your original position.

4. Shalabhasana (Grasshopper pose):
Lie on the ground with your stomach keeping both feet together.
Your hands should be lying by your side with palms facing downwards.
Lift your chin and chest off the ground and look forward.
Now raise both your legs up from the ground. Your knees should not bend and your toes should be pointing outwards.
Keep your breathing normal while in this pose.
Hold it for a few seconds and then release.
Repeat again.

5. Trikonasana (Triangle pose):

Stand upright with your feet apart keeping your spine straight.
Lift up both your arms to the height of your shoulder.
Exhale and bend towards your right to touch the toes of your right leg with your right hand.
Do the same with your left side too.

6. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
One of the top asanas advised for those with diabetes.
Lie down flat with your back on the floor.
Relax and breathe normally.
Lift up your legs at a right angle and now slowly lift your torso entirely off the floor supporting on your elbows and shoulder blade. Before you lift your legs, exhale.
After you have attained this posture, look towards your chest.
Breathe normally now.
But if you are suffering from high blood pressure or any heart disease, avoid this asana.

7. Mandukasana (Frog pose)

Sit in vajrasana or diamond pose.
Now close both your palms in a fist.
Exhale with full force.
Press your abdomen with both your fists and bend forward.
Stay for about 30 seconds. As you rise up inhale deeply.
Repeat again.
Practise this yoga for diabetes regularly. Your insulin formation will increase that will gradually bring down your blood sugar level.

8. Mayurasana (Peacock pose):
This pose is quite difficult for beginners but if you will master this asana, pancreas is activated and more insulin is produced.
Lie flat on your belly.
Bend your elbows and keep both your hands on either side of your chest.
Now pressing on your palms, lift up your entire body keeping it parallel to the ground.
After a few seconds return to your original position.

9. Yoga Mudrasana (Yogic symbol pose)
Sit in basic padmasana posture.
Breathe normally for a few seconds and let your body to relax.
Bring both your hands at the back and interlock them by holding the wrist of one hand with the other.
Take a deep inhalation.
Keeping your hands interlocked behind you, bend forward with an exhalation. Keep your spine elongated.
Your forehead should touch the floor or as much close to it as possible.
Now allow your body to relax by breathing normally. Remain for as long as comfortable.
Then return back by inhaling.

10.  Supta Vajrasana (Reclining adamant pose)
Sit in Vajrasana and keep your hands by your side on the ground with palms facing outwards.
Now just bend backwards slowly till your waist, back and your head touch the ground.
Don’t let your knees bend or come off the floor.
Relax in this lying down position.
When releasing from the pose, grasp your ankles and sit up.

Exercise is the key
            One suffers from diabetes when the blood cells do not respond to insulin produced in the body. When you follow a regular exercise regimen, your body starts responding to insulin, helping to reduce your blood glucose. Exercise also helps improve blood circulation in your body, particularly in the arms and legs, where diabetic patients most commonly encounter problems. It is an excellent way to fight stress, both at the body and mind level, which in turn helps keep one’s glucose levels down.
How yoga helps to fight diabetes?
            Regular yoga practice can help reduce the level of sugar in the blood, along with lowering blood pressure, keeping your weight in check, reducing the severity of the symptoms  and slowing the rate of progression of the disease. It also lessens the possibility of further complications.
            Stress is one of the major reasons for diabetes. It increases the secretion of glucagon (a hormone responsible for increasing blood glucose levels) in the body. The consistent practice of yoga aasanas, pranayam and a few minutes of meditation can help reduce stress in the mind and protect the body from its adverse effects. This, in turn, reducing the amount of glucagon and improve the action of insulin.
            The practice of yoga is also a proven to lose weight and slow the process of fat accumulation. Surya namaskar and kapal bhati pranayama are some of the most effective yoga poses that aid weight loss. Since obesity is a major contributing factor for diabetes, doing yoga to keep your weight in check is the key.

1. Pranayama: 
            Breathing in deeply and breathing out helps oxygenate your blood, and improves circulation. It also calms the mind and gives your rattled nerves some much needed rest. 

Steps to do this pose: 
            Sit on a yoga mat on the floor. Fold your legs in either padmasana or sit cross legged. Now straighten your back, keep your chin parallel to the floor, place your hands on your knees with your palms facing upwards and close your eyes. Breath in deep and hold your breath for five counts. Exhale slowly. Repeat this process at least ten times. Once you are done, rub your palms together till they are warm, and place them on your eyes. Now slowly open them and smile.
2. Setubandhasana: 
            This pose not only helps keep one’s blood pressure in control it also helps to relax the mind, improves digestion, relieves the symptoms of menopause in women and stretches the neck and spine.
Steps to do this pose:
            Lie flat on your yoga mat, with your feet flat on the floor. Now exhale and push up, and off the floor with your feet. Raise your body up such that your neck and head are flat on the mat and the rest of your body is in the air. You can use your hands to push down for added support. If you are flexible you can even clasp your fingers just below your raised back for that added stretch. The key here is to not overexert or hurt yourself while doing this pose. 

3. Balasana: 
            Known quite aptly as the child’s pose this is a great stress buster. It gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles, calms the mind and helps relieve stress and fatigue. It is also a great remedy for that lower back pain you might have from long hours of sitting.

Steps to do the pose:          
Sit on the floor with your weight on your knees. Now flatten your feet  onto the floor and sit on your heels. Spread your thighs apart a little. Exhale and bend forward from your waist. Let your stomach rest on your thighs and extend your back. Now stretch out your arms in front of you to elongate the back. You can also rest your forehead on the floor. This may require flexibility, so don’t push your body beyond its limit. You will get better with time.
This is a resting pose so you should ideally breath at a normal pace. You can stay in this pose for as long as three minutes or as little as five counts.
 If you are pregnant, have a knee injury or have diarrhoea do not do this pose.

4. Vajrasana:
            This is a simple pose that is great to relax the mind, improve digestion and massages the kanda. According to Ayurvedic principles, kanda is a spot about 12 inches above the anus that is the point of convergence for over 72,000 nerves.

Steps to do this pose:
            All you need to do is place a yoga mat on the floor. Kneel on the mat, and let the top surface of your feet touch the mat, such that your heels are pointing upwards. Now gently place your buttocks on your heels. It is important to note that your heels are on either side of your anus. Now place both your palms on your knees, facing downwards. Close your eye and breath in deeply at a steady rate.
5. Sarvangasana: 
            This pose is essentially known for its ability to regulate the working of the thyroid glands. These glands are responsible for the proper functioning of the entire body including the digestive, nervous, reproductive system, regulating metabolism and respiratory system.  Apart from that, it nourishes the spine with a good supply of blood and oxygen, helping you beat nervous system disorders, and improving your all round health. Read more about how sarvangasana works.
Steps to do this pose:
            Lie on a yoga mat with your legs extending outwards. Now slowly raise your legs either by first folding them at the knees or by lifting them straight. Place your palms along your back and hips to support it, and raise your body while pointing your toes to the ceiling. All your weight should be on your shoulders. Make sure you breathe slowly and lock your chin into your chest. Your elbows should be touching the floor and your back should be supported. Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable. To return to the lying position, slowly lower your body. Do not fall back to the lying position.
Do not do this pose if you suffer from any neck or spinal injuries. If you do have high blood pressure perform this exercise only under supervision.

6. Halasana: 
            This pose is great for those who sit for long hours and tend to have bad posture. It stimulates the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, lungs and abdominal organs, therefore helping the blood rush to your head and face, improves digestion and keeps the hormonal levels in check. Read more about how halasana can beat bad posture and backache.
Step to do this pose:
            Lie flat on the floor with your feet flat stretched out. Place your arms by your side and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Now, slowly raise your legs from the hips. Place your hands on your hips as you raise them and use your hands as support. Now slowly bend your legs at the hips and try to touch the floor behind your head with your toes and straighten your hands so they are flat on the floor. Breath out while going up. To return to the lying position gently roll your back onto the floor, breath in while you come down. Do not drop down suddenly. 
 If you suffer from liver or spleen disorders, hypertension, have diarrhoea, are menstruating or have suffered a neck injury, avoid doing this pose.

7. Dhanurasana:
            This pose is great to strengthen your back and spine, stimulate the reproductive organs, beats stress and fatigue, relieves menstrual pain and constipation.
Steps to do this pose:
            Lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body. Fold your knees and hold your ankles. Breathing in, lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and back. Look straight ahead with a smile on your face. Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath. Continue to take long deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But don’t get carried away! Do not overdo the stretch. After 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax.
            Do not practice this pose if you have high or low blood pressure, hernia, neck injury, pain in the lower back, headache, migraine or a recent abdominal surgery or if you are pregnant.

8. Chakrasana:
            This pose is great to stretch the spine and relax the muscles of the back. Moreover it helps relax the mind and make it stress free.
                                                                             Steps to do this pose:
            To do this pose start by lying on your back with your arms horizontally stretched out in line you’re your shoulders. Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your hips. The soles of your feet should be fully on the ground. Swing your knees to the left until the left knee touches the ground (the right knee and thigh should rest on the left knee and thigh). Simultaneously, turn your head to the right and look at your right palm. Make sure your shoulder blades touch the ground. While the body is twisted, there is a tendency for one of your shoulder blades to lift off the ground. You must work against this tendency for the stretch to be effective. Feel the stretch in the thighs, groin, arms, neck, stomach and back as you hold the pose. With each exhalation, relax deeper into the pose. After a few minutes, you may slowly turn your head back to the centre, and straighten the torso and legs. Mirror the pose on the other side.
Avoid this posture if you have any spinal injuries. 
9. Paschimotasana: 
            This is a forward bending pose that helps the blood to flow to the face. Apart from that, it helps the stomach function better, strengthens the thigh muscles and relaxes the back and arms.
Steps to do this pose:
            Sit with your legs stretched out on the floor. Next hold the big toe of your feet with your index finger and thumb. Now, exhale and slowly bend forward and try to touch your forehead to your knees. The key is that your elbows should touch the floor. Do not breath in. Stay in this position for five counts and inhale as you rise back to the sitting position.
            If you have any type of back pain or complaints with your spine, do not do this pose. Moreover, be easy on yourself, you might not be able to touch your knees with your forehead. Know that if you keep at it you will regain your flexibility and be able to do the pose properly.
10. Ardha Matsyendrasana:
            This asana is specifically designed to increase the capacity of your lungs so it can inhale and hold more oxygen. It also loosens up the spine and relieves backaches and discomfort in the back.
Steps to do this pose:
            Sit up with your legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping your feet together and your spine erect. Bend your left leg and place the heal of your left foot beside your right hip (optionally, you can keep your left leg straight). Now, Take the right leg over your left knee and place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you. Twist at the waist, shoulders and neck in this sequence to the right and look over the right shoulder. Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out. To come back to the starting position, continue breathing out, release the right hand first (the hand behind you), release the waist, then chest, lastly the neck and sit up relaxed yet straight. Repeat to the other side. Breathing out, come back to the front and relax.
If you have a back injury, do this pose only in the presence of a certified trainer.

            A few minutes of regular meditation practice also acts as an excellent stress-buster for the mind and body. Interestingly, while stress is the major cause of diabetes, the condition in turn results in patients getting highly stressed about it, which further aggravates the problem. It has also been observed that most diabetics lose self-confidence and end up brooding over their condition. This is where meditation can help – restoring their confidence levels so that they gain the strength to fight the condition and live well. Craving for sweets is a common occurrence in diabetes. Regular practice of meditation can help drop such cravings to a large extent. If you’re a beginner, refer to this 10 step meditation guide.

            Diabetes, being a nutritional disorder, characterize by an abnormally elevated level of blood sugar and excretion of excess glucose through urine. It results from lack of insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism as well as metabolism of protein and Fat that leads to type1 diabetes and type2 diabetes. Nature cure has the power to control diabetes at the earliest.  
            Diabetes is believed to be an incurable and life long disease. According to Yoga and Naturopathy it is a usual metabolic disorder chiefly related to digestive system & functions of liver, though it is commonly believed as a disorder of the pancreas. The beta cells in the islets of langerhans of the pancreas are the direct area of production of insulin that controls glucose metabolism. Either due to damage of these cells, quality of insulin produced may go poor or the quantity of insulin produced may go lesser that leads to excess glucose level in the blood. Whatever may be the cause of or course of the disease it generally brought to control only by a healthy life style. Medicines will not help unless the patient follows a healthy way of living and the most of the time strict observance of a healthy life style helps to avoid medication.
Nature Cure treatment to lower down blood sugar
Mud Therapy: is beneficial for hyperglycemic patients.
Hydrotherapy: Hot and Cold Fomentation over abdomen, Cold hip bath, Hot and cold hip bath, Wet abdomen pack, spinal bath. All these form an important part of treatment. Enema thoroughly cleansed the colon and helps the bowel to assume normal characteristics.
Bathing in cold water greatly increases the circulation and enhances the capacity of the muscles to utilize sugar.
Massage Therapy: helps to energizes and revitalizes the whole body.
Sun Bath:  Water kept in brown bottle and exposed to sun rays for at least 8 hours in half cup, dose twice a day after meal is also found beneficial.
Exercise, especially morning walk a good remedies diabetic patients.
            The goal of treatment in diabetes is to reduce high level of glucose in the blood stream. The aim of the treatment is to remove the cause of the disease and building the well being of the patient.
Fasting & Diet Therapy:
            Fasting in diabetes is commonly believed as contraindicated whereas fasting therapy is the best cleansing treatment used in Naturopathy. Intermittent fasting is advised for the diabetic patients under the supervision of an expert nature cure physician. The patient has to be prepared physically and mentally ready to undergo fasting. Initially it is not prescribed, but after preparation of 1-2 weeks it can be tried. Fasting on water and limited supply of coconut water can be tried in th treatment of diabetes.
            An alkaline diet rich in complex carbohydrate & fiber and low fat is recommended because they tend to slow absorption, helping to avoid a rapid rise in blood glucose.
            A well balanced diet including Fruits (avoid banana, custard apple, black grapes, dates, pineapple, mangoes), Vegetables (take the following vegetables in limited quantity-potatoes, beet root, sweet potatoes, yam, tapioca, broad beans, double beans, cluster beans), sprouts, whole grains, legumes should be embarked upon following the fasting therapy.
            Include raw foods exclusively as it is rich in essential enzymes, which increases the metabolism and are the good source of vitamins and minerals which are essential for diabetics.
            The use of Fenugreek seeds in daily meals is especially beneficial. Even sprouted Fenugreek or one teaspoon of Fenugreek powder may be taken very day.
            Include green leafy vegetables, soya ground nut, tomatoes, and sprouted Bengal gram to your diet.The juices of Jamun, Bitter gourd, Cucumber and bottle gourd are also helpful.
            Avoid cooked starchy food, as it gets quickly absorbed in the system and raises the sugar level in the body, whereas raw starchy food doesn't get absorbed quickly in the system. Non vegetarian foods, fired, oily, white flour foods, alcohol & smoking are to be completely avoided.

1.    Boil fifteen recent Mango leaves in one glass of water. Leave overnight. Filter this water and drink very first thing within the morning. it' s a good home remedy for diabetes.
2.   Combine one/2 teaspoon of ground bay leaf and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric in 1 tablespoon aloevera gel. Take this mixture twofold each day before lunch and dinner. it' s conjointly smart diabetes mellitus treatments.
3.    Drink a watery juice of a little Bitter Gourd (remove seeds) each morning. it's one in every of the most effective home remedies for diabetes.
4.    Add 3-table spoon of cinnamon to one litre of boiling water. Simmer for twenty minutes during a low flame, and then strain the mixture. Drink this mixture daily to cure diabetes.
5.    Eat tender curry leaves (fresh) twice each day to scale back sugar.
6.    Take the juice of crushed fish-berry (amruth) soaked in water for each day very first thing within the morning.

1.    Prepare a mix by adding equal quantities of turmeric powder and dried gooseberry powder with honey or drink equal quantities of gooseberry juice and recent turmeric juice in an empty abdomen daily.
2.    Eat garlic often because it regulates sugar level.
3.    Bitter melon is wonderful herb in treating diabetes mellitus.
 Green tea:
            Green tea posses’ antioxidant properties and it could prevent heart diseases, cancer, reduce glucose and cholesterol level of the body, and enhance immune system working. It is also rich in iodine, copper, potassium, fluorine, vitamin C and vitamin B.
Raw Onion juice:
            Onion juice has been proved to aid pancreas to produce sufficient insulin to control the glucose level of the body. It is very effective for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Slice a small onion and put it into the glass filled with water. Wait for at least 20 minutes. You will sea milky appearance in to the water. Drink this every morning.

Apple vinegar:
            According to the trials 50% of glucose level is lowered if two tablespoon of apple vinegar is taken before meal. People respond after continuous use of apple vinegar after 1-2 weeks. Vinegar has the ability to slow down glucose rise after meal. This should not b taken if you are suffering from any type of ulcer.
Bitter melon (Karela):
            Bitter melon (Karela. Momerdica Charantia) is considered one of the best home remedy for diabetes mellitus. Its better to prepare dish of bitter melon in oil (Ghee) and after taking this dish for at least 3 months, sugar level considerably reaches at manageable level
            Certain fruits as oranges, tomatoes, and jamuns in an amount of 300 g/day as a whole weight will definitely bring the sugar level down if done on regular basis.
Fenugreek seeds:
            It is believed that fenugreek seeds can reduce the glucose level. Almost ninety to hundred fenugreek seeds should be dipped in overnight in a full cup of water. After mashing these seeds in the morning, their mixture should be drunk on regular basis for two to three months.
Gooseberry and Turmeric:
            Gooseberry powder and turmeric powder can be taken with honey on empty stomach to maintain the sugar level of diabetic patients.
Mango leaves:
            It is believed that diabetes can be controlled if boiled mango leaves are taken in the morning on empty stomach.
Cinnamon water:
            Cinnamon water is very effective for type 1 diabetes. Take cinnamon water or add few spoons of cinnamon to one liter of water. Strain it and take it.
            There is a need of all three forms of exercise for the control and prevention of diabetes which includes aerobic exercise involve brisk walking and bicycling 4-7 days/week, weight or resistance training two times a week and last but not least stretching for 4-7 days/week.
            Remember this sentence “Give yourself a winning hand by asking for More ACES Please”. Here each bold alphabet has meaning as Magnesium, Vitamin A, C and E, Selenium and Potassium. All these natural ingredients play very important role in regulating blood sugar level and insulin use.